On Nihao Cloud there are two ways to share files and folders with others.
Creating Share Links to Files or Folders
Share links are public links to files or folders. They can be accessed by anyone, including those who don't have a Nihao account. You can also use password and expiration time to protect your links.
There are two types of links:
- Download Links: Created for others to download files or folders.
- Upload links: You can use upload links to collect files from others. You can only create upload link for a folder. Others cannot see the files in the folder. They can only upload files to the link.
To create a download link in Nihao Cloud web app:
- Navigate to the parent folder containing the file or folder. Hover your mouse over the file or folder and click on the "Share" icon that appears.
- A pop-up window will appear with all the share options. Click the "Download Link" tab on the left panel. Then click "Generate" button to create a link. You can use password and expiration time to protect your link.
- Copy the link to email, instant messaging client or any other tool to send it to others.
You can also create download links from the desktop clients.
- If the library is synced, double-click the library in the main Window of the Seafile client. The local folder of that library will be opened. Right click on the file or folder that you want to create a link to. In the pop-up menu, choose "Seafile" then "Create share link".
- If the library is not synced, double-click the library in the main Window of the Seafile client. The cloud file browser window will be opened. You can create a link to file or folder in the cloud file browser.
To create an upload link on Nihao web app:
- Navigate into the parent folder containing the folder. Hover your mouse over the folder and click on the "Share" icon that appears.
- A pop-up window will appear with all the share options. Click the "Upload Link" tab on the left panel. Then click "Generate" button to create a link. You can use a password to protect your link.
- Copy the link to email, instant messaging client or any other tool to send it to others.
Sharing Libraries or Folders
You can only share a library or folder to other registered Nihao Cloud users ( Business packages only). The shared library or folder can be accessed by others with the web app and Seafile clients.
You can choose the member range of the share:
- Share to the user: You can share with one or more users, one by one.
- Share to the group: You can share with a group of users. See how to manage groups in group sharing.
You can also set read/write permission on the share:
- Read-Write share: the share members can do any update operations on the folder, including update file, upload file, delete, rename.
- Read-only share: the share members can only read the folder and files in it. They cannot do any update to the folder and files.
To share a library or folder to a user or group:
- Hover your mouse over the library or folder and click on the "Share" icon that appears.
- A pop-up window will appear with all the share options. Click the "Share to user" or "Share to group" tab on the left panel. Enter the user name or group name to share to. Then click "Submit".
After you share a folder or library to a user, the user can see it by clicking the "Shared" tab on the left panel on Nihao Cloud web app. If you share to a group, the group members can only see the shared folder or library by navigating into the group.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can free users share a whole library with other free users?
No. In order to share libraries and groups with other users, the user has to be in the same organization. Only on Starter, Business and Enterprise versions allow adding extra users.
Can a shared member share a folder or library with other users?
No. Only the owner of the library or folder can share it to others.
What happens if I change the name of a shared folder or file?
If you share a link, the link will become invalid once you change the name of the folder or file.
If you share a folder, the share remains valid after the folder name is changed. But others still see the old name of the folder.
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